Three weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with two schools who are using Curriculum Trak in Haiti - Union School Haiti and Quisqueya Christian School. Although it was a warm time of the year to visit, I really enjoyed working with both staffs on becoming clearer about the learning journey for their students. Before going I prayed that I could be an encouragement to both schools and they were definitely an encouragement to me in return! It was great to make many new friends.

I really appreciated the feedback I got from Greg Baker, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Quisqueya Christian, after my visit:
Our school held a two-day Curriculum Trak conference with Dan Beerens and found the time to be extremely helpful and profitable. On the first day Dan did a great job of showing us the “big picture” on why we teach and are involved in Christian Education. This was followed up by practical workshops on the basics of how to use Curriculum Trak in curriculum alignment and the Curriculum Trak lesson plan component. Especially helpful was the concluding session on how to create quality essential questions. The concluding sessions also circled us back around to the importance of wanting our students to do more than just acquire an education to pursue a career but rather seeking to see our students “flourish” in life, “wisdom and love”. Teacher feedback from the conference was tremendous. We hope to have Dan back soon.