Curriculum Design
Have you considered that you could gain significant curricular direction for your school that is both affordable and impactful for staff? Dan has helped several schools through visits that can be scheduled on a quarterly, monthly, or customizable basis. Your questions in this area may include the following:
What standards should our school align to?
Wondering about how to implement Common Core State Standards?
Confused about where to begin to improve your school?
Wonder how to put together an effective process to map your curriculum?
Curious about how to better use student data for improvement?
Want to know the most effective tools to use with curriculum mapping and student testing?
Can’t afford a full time curriculum director or lack confidence in having a teacher try to do this part time?
Would you like to have an evaluation of your current curriculum?
There is a logical sequence to curriculum work – let Dan explain his 5C’s process to guide you through the curriculum confusion!
Invite Dan to design a customized long range plan for curriculum work and school improvement! Call for rates to receive professional analysis and collaboratively set up a long range plan of action.
Curriculum Mapping
Have you mapped your curriculum, making your desired student learning outcomes clear to teachers, students, parents?
Is your curriculum aligned to benchmarks? Have you identified gaps and overlaps?
Is your curriculum consistent from teacher to teacher and grade to grade?
Would you like to connect and collaborate with other educators around curriculum mapping instead of “reinventing the wheel” on your own?
Would you like to find a mapping product that is easy to use and requires little teacher training time?
Dan has been working with curriculum mapping with schools since 1993 and, after using several programs, wholeheartedly recommends Curriculum Trak, a cloud based solution that offers an unbeatable combination of features and value. Dan is the sales representative for this product and can also help you with training and implementation if needed.
For more information, go to